To reset a Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator, unplug the appliance from the power source for at least 30 seconds, then plug it back in. Has your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator been acting up lately?

Maybe you’ve noticed temperature fluctuations or your food isn’t staying fresh as long as it should. Whatever the issue may be, resetting your refrigerator can often solve common problems and restore its functionality. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps of resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator, allowing you to troubleshoot and potentially avoid calling for professional assistance.

By following the reset procedure, you can get your refrigerator back on track and ensure it’s performing optimally for your everyday needs. So, let’s get started and learn how to reset your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator quickly and easily.

The Importance Of Resetting A Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator

Overview Of The Necessity Of Regularly Resetting Your Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator To Ensure Proper Functionality And Optimal Performance.

Resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator is an essential task that should be performed regularly to maintain its proper functionality and ensure optimal performance. Over time, refrigerators can encounter various issues such as temperature inconsistencies, ice build-up, or even malfunctioning controls. By resetting your Frigidaire refrigerator, you can address these issues and restore the appliance to its optimal working condition.

Regularly resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator serves multiple purposes. Firstly, it allows you to troubleshoot any minor issues that may arise due to power surges, software glitches, or other temporary malfunctions. This can prevent these issues from escalating into larger and more costly problems, ultimately extending the lifespan of your refrigerator.

Additionally, resetting your refrigerator can help improve its overall performance. Over time, certain settings or configurations may become less efficient, resulting in inadequate cooling or uneven temperature distribution. By resetting the refrigerator, you can recalibrate these settings and restore the optimal performance of your appliance.

Ensuring Proper Functionality And Optimal Performance Through Regular Resets

Temperature consistency: One common issue with refrigerators is inconsistent temperature levels. This can result in certain areas of the fridge being colder or warmer than desired, affecting the freshness and quality of your food. Regularly resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator helps recalibrate the temperature controls, ensuring a more consistent and even cooling throughout the appliance.

Ice build-up prevention: Another issue that can plague refrigerators is excessive ice build-up in the freezer compartment. This can obstruct airflow, reduce cooling efficiency, and even cause the freezer to stop functioning properly. By resetting your refrigerator, you can activate the automatic defrost cycle and prevent ice from accumulating, thus preserving the longevity and efficiency of the appliance.

Control panel malfunctions: Control panel malfunctions can disrupt the functionality of your refrigerator, making it difficult to adjust temperature settings, change modes, or even activate certain features. Regularly resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator can help resolve temporary glitches in the control panel’s software, restoring its responsiveness and usability.

The Importance of Regularly Resetting Your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator

Benefits Actions
Temperature consistency Resetting the temperature controls
Ice build-up prevention Activating the automatic defrost cycle
Control panel malfunctions Resolving temporary software glitches

In summary, regularly resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator is crucial for ensuring proper functionality and optimal performance. By addressing minor issues, recalibrating settings, and preventing ice build-up, you can maintain the freshness of your food, extend the lifespan of your appliance, and enjoy uninterrupted cooling in every corner of your refrigerator.

Common Issues That Can Be Resolved By Resetting

Resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator can often fix various common issues that you may encounter. By performing a simple reset, you can resolve problems such as temperature fluctuations, ice maker malfunctions, and display panel errors. In this section, we will discuss each of these issues in detail and guide you on how to reset your refrigerator to rectify them.

Temperature Fluctuations

One of the most common issues faced by Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator owners is temperature fluctuations. This can lead to food spoilage or freezing, affecting the quality and freshness of your groceries. If you notice inconsistent cooling or extreme temperatures inside your refrigerator, it is recommended to perform a reset, which can often restore the proper functioning of the appliance.

To reset your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator and resolve temperature fluctuation issues, follow these simple steps:

  1. Locate the power cord at the back of your refrigerator and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  2. Leave the refrigerator unplugged for at least 5 minutes to allow the internal components to fully power down.
  3. After 5 minutes, plug the power cord back into the electrical outlet.
  4. Wait for the refrigerator to start up and the display panel to show the default settings.

Ice Maker Malfunctions

If your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator’s ice maker is not producing ice or experiencing any other malfunctions, resetting the appliance can often resolve the issue. Sometimes, the ice maker may get stuck or encounter errors that can be easily fixed through a reset.

Follow these steps to reset your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator’s ice maker:

  1. Locate the control panel on the front of the refrigerator.
  2. Press and hold the ‘Ice Off’ or ‘Lock’ button for 3 seconds until the indicator light turns off.
  3. Wait for a few minutes for the ice maker to reset and start functioning again.

Display Panel Errors

If you notice error codes or unusual messages on the display panel of your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator, resetting the appliance can often clear these errors and restore normal functionality. Display panel errors can occur due to various reasons, such as power surges or temporary glitches, and can be easily resolved through a simple reset.

To reset your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator’s display panel and resolve any errors, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the control panel on the front of the refrigerator.
  2. Press and hold the ‘Reset’ or ‘Options’ button for 3 seconds.
  3. Wait for the display panel to reset and return to the default settings.

Performing a reset can often fix common issues with your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator, ensuring optimal performance and functionality. Remember to consult your refrigerator’s user manual for specific instructions, as the reset process may vary slightly depending on the model.

Quick And Easy Steps To Resetting A Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator

If you are experiencing any issues with your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator, resetting it can often help resolve the problem. Whether it’s not cooling properly, displaying an error code, or simply not performing as it should, a quick reset can often get your refrigerator back up and running smoothly.

In this section, we will guide you through step-by-step instructions on how to reset a Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator without the need for professional assistance.

Step-by-step Instructions On How To Reset A Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator Without The Need For Professional Assistance

If you’re facing any issues with your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator and want to attempt a reset, follow these quick and easy steps:

  1. Unplug the refrigerator: The first and most important step to perform a reset is to unplug the refrigerator from the power outlet. This will ensure the refrigerator is completely disconnected from the power supply.
  2. Wait for 5 minutes: Allow the refrigerator to remain unplugged for at least 5 minutes. This waiting period will help reset the internal circuits and clear any temporary glitches.
  3. Plug the refrigerator back in: After the 5-minute waiting period, plug the refrigerator back into the power outlet. Ensure that the plug is securely inserted into the outlet to establish a proper power connection.
  4. Set the temperature: Once the refrigerator is plugged in, adjust the temperature settings back to your desired level. Take note of any error codes or specific issues you encountered before the reset, as you may need to address them further.
  5. Allow time to reset: Give the refrigerator some time to reset and stabilize. It is recommended to wait at least 24 hours for the refrigerator to reach the desired temperature and resume normal operation.

By following these easy steps, you can reset your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator without any professional assistance. Remember to keep an eye on the refrigerator’s performance after the reset and address any persisting issues if necessary.

How to Reset a Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator: Quick and Easy Steps


Troubleshooting Before Resetting

Recommendations For Troubleshooting Common Issues Before Proceeding With A Full Reset

Before you jump to resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator, it’s essential to perform some troubleshooting to identify and potentially resolve common issues. Troubleshooting can save you time and effort by addressing minor problems that may not require a full reset. Here are some recommendations to follow before proceeding with a reset:

Check Power Supply

The first thing you want to check is the power supply to your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator. Make sure the power cord is securely plugged into a working electrical outlet. If you suspect an issue with the power supply, try plugging in another electrical device to determine if the outlet is the problem.

Additionally, inspect the power cord for any signs of damage, such as fraying or cuts. If you notice any damage, it’s crucial to replace the cord before further troubleshooting.

Examine Temperature Settings

Another common issue that can occur is incorrect temperature settings. Improper temperature settings may affect the refrigerator’s cooling performance. Check the temperature settings on the display panel and ensure they are set according to the recommended values mentioned in the refrigerator’s manual.

Sometimes, accidental temperature adjustments can occur, so verify that the settings are accurately configured. If necessary, make the required adjustments and monitor the refrigerator’s performance for any improvements.

Inspect The Condenser Coils

The condenser coils play a vital role in maintaining the refrigerator’s cooling efficiency. Over time, these coils can become dirty or clogged with debris, inhibiting their ability to cool properly. Locate the condenser coils, typically located at the back or underneath the refrigerator, and visually inspect them for any signs of dirt, dust, or obstruction.

If you notice any buildup, use a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush to gently remove the debris. Regularly cleaning the condenser coils ensures optimal performance and prevents potential cooling issues.

Keep The Refrigerator Properly Stocked

Believe it or not, how you stock your refrigerator can impact its performance. Overcrowding the refrigerator with too much food can obstruct airflow and prevent the unit from cooling efficiently. Ensure that items inside the refrigerator are not blocking the vents, which can disrupt proper air circulation. Arrange your food items in a way that allows for adequate airflow, keeping essential vents clear.

Additionally, check the refrigerator’s door seals for any gaps or damage, as a faulty seal can cause temperature fluctuations. If necessary, replace any damaged seals to improve cooling efficiency. Remember, troubleshooting common issues before resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator can save you time, money, and potential inconvenience. By following these troubleshooting recommendations, you can reduce the need for a full reset and potentially resolve minor issues on your own.

Performing A Soft Reset

Performing a soft reset on your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator is a simple and effective way to troubleshoot minor issues and reset the appliance to its default settings. By power cycling the refrigerator and reconfiguring its settings, you can often resolve common problems without the need for more complex troubleshooting or a service visit. Follow the detailed instructions below to perform a soft reset on your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator.

Detailed Instructions On How To Perform A Soft Reset On A Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator, Which Involves Basic Power Cycling And Reconfiguring Settings.

Before you begin, make sure your refrigerator is plugged into a functioning electrical outlet and that the power is turned on.

Step 1: Unplug the refrigerator and wait for 5 minutes

The first step in performing a soft reset on your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator is to unplug the appliance from the power source. This allows the refrigerator to completely power down and reset any temporary settings or malfunctions. Leave the refrigerator unplugged for at least 5 minutes to ensure a proper reset.

Step 2: Plug the refrigerator back in

After you have waited for 5 minutes, plug the refrigerator back into the electrical outlet. Ensure that the outlet is functioning correctly by testing it with another device. This step effectively “reboots” the refrigerator and initiates the soft reset process.

Step 3: Set the refrigerator to its default settings

Once the refrigerator has been plugged back in, you need to reconfigure its settings to restore them to their default values. Open the refrigerator door and locate the control panel or display. Refer to your user manual to find the specific buttons or controls necessary to perform a settings reset.

Press and hold the appropriate buttons or follow the specific sequence outlined in your user manual to reset the refrigerator settings. This step varies depending on the model of your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator.

Step 4: Wait for the refrigerator to reset

After initiating the settings reset, wait for a few minutes to allow the refrigerator to reset itself. During this time, the appliance will power cycle, and any temporary glitches will be resolved. Avoid opening the refrigerator door or making any adjustments to the settings during this reset period.

Step 5: Confirm the reset and observe the refrigerator’s operation

Once the reset period has elapsed, the refrigerator should be restored to its default settings. Check the control panel or display to ensure that no error codes or unusual messages are displayed. Observe the refrigerator’s operation to verify that it is now functioning correctly.

Step 6: Contact Frigidaire support if the issue persists

If the soft reset did not resolve the issue you were facing with your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator, it may be necessary to contact Frigidaire’s customer support for further assistance. They can provide more in-depth troubleshooting steps or arrange for a service visit if required.

Performing A Hard Reset

Performing a Hard Reset Step-by-step guide on how to perform a hard reset on a Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator to address more complex issues, such as control panel malfunctions or software glitches. Resetting a Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator can be a simple yet effective solution to troubleshoot issues like unresponsive controls or software glitches. Performing a hard reset resets the internal electronics of the fridge, which can help resolve more complex problems.

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of performing a hard reset on your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator.

Step 1: Unplug the refrigerator

The first step in performing a hard reset on your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator is to unplug the appliance from the power source. Locate the power cord at the back of the refrigerator and unplug it from the wall outlet. This will ensure that the refrigerator is completely disconnected from the electrical supply.

Step 2: Wait for a few minutes

After unplugging the refrigerator, you need to wait for a few minutes before proceeding to the next step. This waiting period allows the internal electronics of the fridge to fully discharge and reset. We recommend waiting for approximately 5 minutes to ensure a complete reset.

Step 3: Plug the refrigerator back in

Once the waiting period is over, plug the refrigerator back into the wall outlet. Ensure that the power cord is securely inserted into the socket. This step will restore the power supply to the fridge and initiate the hard reset process.

Step 4: Power on the refrigerator

After plugging the refrigerator back in, press the power button to turn it on. The control panel should light up, indicating that the hard reset has been successfully performed. Fingers crossed, this should resolve any control panel malfunctions or software glitches you were experiencing.

Note: When to perform a hard reset

Performing a hard reset is recommended when you encounter more complex issues with your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator, such as unresponsive control buttons, frozen displays, or software glitches. This troubleshooting step can often help resolve these problems without the need for professional assistance.

Remember, a hard reset should only be performed after you have checked the basic troubleshooting steps, such as ensuring the power supply and examining the circuit breakers. If the issue persists even after a hard reset, it is advised to contact Frigidaire customer support or a professional technician for further assistance. With the step-by-step guide provided above, you can easily perform a hard reset on your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator.

This simple troubleshooting step can save you time and money, allowing you to resolve control panel malfunctions or software glitches on your own. Remember to always follow the instructions carefully and ensure your safety by unplugging the appliance before attempting any repairs or resets.

Preventive Measures To Avoid Frequent Resets

Frequent resets of your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator can be frustrating and time-consuming. To minimize the need for resetting, it is essential to take proactive preventive measures. By regularly maintaining, cleaning, and adopting proper usage practices, you can avoid sudden issues and keep your refrigerator running smoothly. Here are some tips and recommendations to help you:

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is crucial to preventing frequent resets of your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator. By following these simple steps, you can maintain the optimal performance of your appliance:

  1. Check the refrigerator’s temperature settings regularly to ensure they are set at the recommended levels. Inaccurate temperature settings can lead to cooling issues, resulting in frequent resets.
  2. Inspect the refrigerator’s door seals for any signs of damage or wear. Worn-out door seals can cause temperature fluctuations, leading to frequent resets.
  3. Clean and replace the refrigerator’s water filter as recommended by the manufacturer. A clogged or dirty water filter can affect the overall performance of your refrigerator, leading to potential issues.


Regular cleaning of your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator is essential to keep it functioning optimally. Here’s how you can ensure cleanliness:

  1. Regularly clean the interior and exterior surfaces of the refrigerator with a mild detergent and warm water. This helps remove any spills, stains, or odors, ensuring a hygienic environment and minimizing the risk of malfunctions.
  2. Pay attention to the refrigerator’s condenser coils and clean them gently with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Dirty condenser coils can lead to cooling issues, requiring frequent resets.
  3. Keep the refrigerator’s drain line clean and free from blockages. A clogged drain line can lead to water leakage, which may eventually cause the need for resets.

Proper Usage Practices

Adopting proper usage practices can go a long way in avoiding frequent resets of your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator. Consider the following:

  • Avoid overloading the refrigerator with excessive food items. Overloading can obstruct airflow and impact the appliance’s cooling efficiency.
  • Ensure that the refrigerator is properly leveled to facilitate the smooth functioning of its components.
  • Avoid frequently opening the refrigerator door. Excessive door openings can cause temperature fluctuations and lead to frequent resets.

By following these preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the need for resetting your Frigidaire Side-By-Side refrigerator. Remember, regular maintenance, cleaning, and proper usage practices are key to keeping your appliance in top-notch condition.

Frequently Asked Questions For How To Reset A Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator

How Do I Reset A Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator?

To reset a Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator, simply unplug the power cord and wait for at least 5 minutes before plugging it back in. This will allow the internal control panel to reset and resolve any minor issues that may have occurred.

Why Is My Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator Not Cooling?

If your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator is not cooling, it could be due to a number of reasons. Check if the temperature settings are correct, the condenser coils are clean, and the door seals are in good condition. If the issue persists, it may be necessary to contact a professional technician for further assistance.

How Often Should I Clean The Condenser Coils On My Frigidaire Side-by-side Refrigerator?

It is recommended to clean the condenser coils on your Frigidaire Side-By-Side Refrigerator at least once every six months. Over time, dust and debris can accumulate on the coils, reducing their efficiency and causing the refrigerator to work harder. Regular cleaning helps maintain optimal performance and prolongs the lifespan of the appliance.


Resetting your Frigidaire side-by-side refrigerator is a simple and essential task to ensure optimal performance. By following the step-by-step instructions provided, you can easily troubleshoot and resolve common issues. Remember to consult your refrigerator’s manual for specific guidance and always prioritize safety.

With the ability to reset your fridge, you can maintain its efficiency and prolong its lifespan. Take control of your refrigerator’s functionality and enjoy fresh and cool food for years to come.

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Hello Readers, I am Mechanic Shuvo, a seasoned refrigerator solution expert with over 11 years of hands-on experience in the field. Throughout my career, I've dedicated myself to understanding the ins and outs of refrigeration systems, honing my skills as a refrigerator mechanic. My passion for these appliances led me to create the website "," where I aim to share my wealth of knowledge and expertise with others.

Over the years, I've encountered a wide range of refrigerator issues and have successfully resolved them all. From common problems like temperature fluctuations and strange noises to more complex technical issues, I've seen it all. Through my website, I hope to provide practical solutions, insightful tips, and guidance to help you keep your refrigerators running smoothly.

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